

World Day of Prayer Friday 1st of March @ 7.00pm

The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who 
welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. A service is held annually on 
or near the first Friday in March.
This service was developed in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic and bore in mind, in 
particular, the changed realities of world suffering which the global pandemic brought about.
This year the service has been written by the Christian women of Palestine who, despite all 
the suffering and injustice in the land of the Holy One, have maintained their sumud 
(steadfastness) through mostly non-violent resistance, and a genuine effort to advocate and 
work for justice together with Muslims and Jews who believe in equal rights. They ask 
everyone to bear with them in love and to pray for an end to all human suffering; to stand with 
them to achieve security and peace for all people around the world.

The World Day of Prayer is for everyone – men, women, and young people.
A warm welcome awaits you on Friday the 1st of March at 7.00pm in the church.

All welcome to share your faith, joy and hopes with us
