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Chestnut Cafe Re-opening

With the easing of Covid-19 restrictions both in the church and for the community in general, it is with great delight that we can announce that the Chestnut Café will reopen on Thursday 2nd September from 10.00am to 1.00pm when once again we look forward to welcoming and serving customers with our range of 8 barista style coffees, a variety of teas and hot chocolate. Scones, pancakes, toasted tea loaf and sweet cakes are on the menu and from about 11.45am, soup and rolls in the winter and sandwiches in the summer are served. Payment is by Donations only and every week the Café more than covers its costs.

For those who may be uncomfortable being inside, with grant aid from North Lanarkshire Council, the café has been able to purchase some outdoor furniture so that when the weather is suitable, our drinks and snacks can be served outdoors in the church grounds. This will also allow more space for social distancing which will remain at 1 metre indoors and face masks will also be required before taking seats indoors. All customers, whether sitting indoors or outdoors will be asked to supply contact details for NHS Scotland Test and Protect. Staff will always wear masks and there will hand sanitising facilities available on arrival and at all tables for your convenience and safety.

For the time being the social and recreational activities from 11.00am to 12.00noon are suspended, but as conditions and restrictions change this will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Watch out for further notices. These activities have ranged from carpet bowls, craft and artwork, flower arranging, carol singing, music and reflection, family history tree and the most popular, Tai Chi and Qi Gong movements classes. All activities are designed to improve the health and well-being of adults and older people in the community.

More volunteers would still be welcome and anyone who would be able to assist should speak to a member of the Team.

Jim Burns, Esther and Ian Hyndman and Marvyn Mackay

The Chestnut Café Team

Covid-19 Update and reduced physical distancing

There can be no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged churches and communities to work in new ways. Churches have risen to the challenge of developing online presence and worship, as well as supporting communities practically and prayerfully over the period.

We have now moved down into Level 0 and after reducing our physical distancing down to 1 metre means we can now accommodate between 55-65 people back within the sanctuary depending on whether individuals or couples are sitting together or whether there are slightly larger family bubbles sitting together where we can stretch the number that little bit more. For that reason, we won’t be using the large hall for the time being to broadcast the service across there unless we anticipate exceeding that number, but we do of course also expect some further removal of the distancing regulations come mid-August where there will be another update from the first minister.

The Scottish Government have developed a system of levels of protection to aid communities suppress the COVID-19 virus and slow down transmission rates. These are categorised as Levels 0 – 4. They have provided a summary of each of these levels and what it means for churches

April 26th 2021


To read about the current Covid-19 advice from the Church of Scotland click here.

25 March 2021 Church Re-Opening

The First Minister announced permission has now been granted for communal worship to resume from the 26th of March 2021. This is welcome news and as such we will re-open for public worship on Sunday the 28th of March - Palm Sunday. In-person worship is restricted to a maximum attendance of 50 people, which includes worshippers of all ages, the minister, musicians, ushers, and volunteers stewarding the service.

A maximum safe limit has been set within the sanctuary to 36 people to be covid-compliant with our risk assessment considering the 2m physical distancing rule. Covid-19 continues to be a concern and as such congregations are asked to ensure that people do not remain in or around the premises to talk and ‘catch up’ after the service. We are all strongly encouraged to return home after the service and reduce transmissibility of the virus by avoiding crowded gatherings.

  • Singing is not permitted at this time.
  • Sunday Schools are not permitted to meet in person at this time, but children and families are welcome to join in our worship service.
  • Face coverings will need to be worn throughout the service unless medically exempt.
  • Track and Trace details will be taken on arrival for individuals should we need to contact you in the event of an outbreak.
  • A one-way system will remain in place throughout the Sanctuary.

Please continue to follow the website for information about our Easter Services. We look forward to welcoming you all back with us once again. For those who are unable to return with us at this time we will continue to stream our weekly Sunday services on our Stepps Parish Church YouTube channel.

17 November Covid Restrictions

Current restrictions means our Church and buildings are once again closed.
